Program Overview
SkyDeck Intern Scholarship is SkyDeck’s initiative to support UC Berkeley undergraduate students with financial difficulties by providing them paid internships at SkyDeck startups. As a donor to the UC Berkeley Foundation, Simon Ru and Sharon Wu generously created the Ru and Wu Innovation Fund to support stipends for students participating in Berkeley SkyDeck’s Intern Program. The stipends are awarded to students who have financial need. Through this initiative, four undergraduate students will be awarded up to $4,000 each spring and fall for interning at a SkyDeck startup.
To be eligible, the student must be an undergraduate student at UC Berkeley. In addition, the student must:
- Be an undergraduate student at UC Berkeley
- Be a current recipient of Pell Grant, Cal Grant, Chafee Grant, Parent Grant or the Fiat Lux Scholarship
- Have secured an UNPAID internship with a SkyDeck startup for Spring or Fall 2024 through the SkyDeck Intern Fair
- Not have any visa restrictions to do paid internships in the US if he/she is an international student
- Enroll in the SkyDeck ACE Intern Program throughout the semester
In order to qualify for the award, the student must intern for at least 15 hours per week during the fall or spring semester. Students staying for the full semester will receive $4,000.
Additional benefits of the program
The recipients of the award also:
- Get a tour of SkyDeck
- Meet and engage with sponsor and serial entrepreneur Simon Ru and Sharon Wu, plus other startup or VC leaders
IMPORTANT: The award is going to be an additive for students who are on financial aid. In other words, the award is not going to replace the financial aid the students receive from the university or any other institution.
- September 3, 2024: Applications open
- September 15, 2024 at 11:59pm PT: Deadline to submit applications
- September 17, 2024: Recipients are notified
Applications open on Sept 3rd, 2024. SUBMIT AN APPLICATION HERE.